Bath vs Shower

Silicon Cape
28 Nov 2009

You Use Less Water When Taking a Shower Than a Bath.

This is sometimes a myth, but it is true. Depending on your shower head and whether it has a flow restrictor or how long you shower of course.

If your home was built before 1992, chances are your showerheads put out about 18.9L of water per minute. Multiply this by the number of minutes you’re in the shower, and the water adds up fast!

An average bath requires 113 – 189 litre of water. The average shower of four minutes with an old shower head uses 75 litre of water. With a low-flow shower head, only 37 litre of water is used.

To test the amount of water used in a shower vs. a bath is to put the plug in the bath next time you take a shower (but not a stand-alone shower as you might spill over the lower shower wall).

After you’ve showered, see how much the tub filled up.

If there is less water than you would usually have in a bath, then you will be saving money the next time you take a shower instead of a bath!