The United Nations IGF Gender Survey

Silicon Cape
02 Oct 2017

Help the United Nations gather information about access challenges with the aim of enabling a better and richer understanding of specific communities of women’s experiences with and needs pertaining to the Internet, by filling in this survey.


About the IGF BPF Gender’s work and objectives:

In 2015, the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF)’s best practice forum (BPF) on Gender investigated online abuse and gender-based violence (see the output report here), and in 2016 the BPF considered women’s meaningful access to the Internet (see the output report here). These reports and outcomes have already informed discussions at various policymaking fora at global, regional and national levels.

In 2017, the Gender BPF will delve deeper into access challenges with the aim of enabling a better and richer understanding of specific communities of women’s experiences with and needs pertaining to the Internet. This is based on the understanding that women in different communities have specific needs and face different barriers when accessing the Internet. These needs and barriers need to be better understood to enable informed policy making to address inequality in digital access.

Likewise, it is important to gather and share best practices, lessons learnt and thoughts from stakeholders working in this area, as well as from affected communities, on factors that need to be considered and integrated into initiatives that aims to address gender and meaningful access that can have positive impact on specific communities of women. This survey is part of this effort by the BPF on Gender.

Read more about the IGF, a global multistakeholder platform that facilitates the discussion of public policy issues pertaining to the Internet, here.